Maps can be rich sources of information for many disciplines. But did you know you can also create your own maps for your thesis research?
On this page, you can find links to databases of historical and present-day maps, tools for mapping space yourself, and GIS data.
For a more in-depth look at data, mapping, and how to cite maps in your thesis, check out the GIS library guide!
ArcGIS Online
Cloud-based software suite designed for analyzing geospatial data, creating static and interactive maps, and accessing digital data.
Availability: To the Wellesley College community with a requested login contact to get an account ID (login here once you receive your ID)
Open source mapping platform for creating custom web-maps.
Availability: Free accounts available online (signup for an account here)
Google My Maps
Google tool for creating simple online maps.
Availability: Free accounts available online (signup for an account here)
Free web-based tool for creating simple maps from geospatial data contained within a spreadsheet, such as lists of addresses, coordinates, or location names.
Availability: Free accounts available online (signup for an account here)
Open source application for creating, editing, visualizing, and analyzing geospatial data.
Availability: Free (download here). Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
ArcGIS Pro
An application designed for creating, editing, and analyzing geospatial data and maps. It can connect to your ArcGIS Online account.
Availability: To the Wellesley College community with a special license through ArcGIS Online contact to request ArcPro access. Windows ONLY
An application for creating, editing, and analyzing geospatial data and maps. It is the main part of the larger ArcGIS suite of programs for GIS data.
Availability: on select machines around campus. To download onto a personal laptop, click here while on the Wellesley Secure wifi network, or using the Wellesley VPN. Windows ONLY
Free open source software designed for geospatial data analysis.
Availability: Free (download here). Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
Free open source software for geospatial data management and anaylsis, image processing, and data visualization.
Availability: Free (download here). Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
To find maps and atlases in the library's physical and digital collections, search in the library catalog using your desired place name and the word "maps.
To find maps by type of map, search by map type and the word "maps."
ESRI StoryMaps
Part of the ArcGIS Online suite that allows you to build an interactive multimedia narrative with embedded web-maps.
Availability: To the Wellesley College community with a special login contact to get an account ID (login here once you receive your ID)
Online tool that allows users to create interactive map-based timelines.
Availability: Free (signup for an account here)
Online Omeka plugin that allows users to tell stories with map and timelines.
Availability: Free (signup for an account here)
Free tool that lets you tell stories with maps and "gigapixel" images (not just maps!). Also compatible with Mapbox custom map styles.
Availability: Free (signup for an account here). Must have access to server space to host images for "gigapixel" option.