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Wellesley College Research Guides

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

A Guide to ILL at Wellesley.

Placing Electronic ILL (PDF) Requests in SuperSearch & the Library Databases

To submit an ILL request for an article or book chapter, you should first locate the article in SuperSearch or within a library database. You can access SuperSearch on the LTS (Library & Technology Services) homepage and the Library Databases using the link under under the SuperSearch bar (shown below).

From within the search box, use keywords or other information (author, title, etc) to start your search.  Some items that Wellesley already has access to will have a PDF full text link. Click the full text links to access the item (the PDF full text link in search result 4).  If your results don't have a full-text link, click (in search result 27 below).  

The example search below was done in the Academic Search Complete database:



When you click the Article Locator (on the right) will check to see if it is owned by Wellesley.


If it is available at Wellesley, it will direct you to the article with a link or links under "Full text online options". Use that link to access the article. 


If we don't, click on the "Request from another library (interlibrary loan)."  

You will be directed to your ILL account with DUO. 



The database will import the citation information from your search into the correct fields of the article or book request form.  Click submit.

The following message appears letting you know that your ILL request has been submitted in green.  You will also see the item listed under your Pending Requests.



What Happens Next?

If we can't find a lending library that can lend the pdf, we'll notify you.  If we can, once your request is available, you will receive an email with a direct link to the article available directly in your ILL account.   

Example Email:

Your request:
Title: Un/Just War and the Hunger Games Trilogy
Author: Harde, Roxanne,
TN: 479446
has been received and processed by the Interlibrary Loan Staff.
You can access your request here by logging on to ILL. 
Your request can also be accessed under "Recieved PDFs" on your ILL account homepage. 
If there is a problem with the request, please respond to this email and let us know.  If you have any questions about this service, please e-mail us at or call us at 781-283-2101.
ILL Staff :

Click on the link.   (If you are not already, DUO will sign into your ILL account.).  Click view PDF Due to copyright, these will only be stored in your ILL account for 30 days (be sure to print or save it right when you open it).











The request will also be located under Received PDFs on your homepage.  Click View to open. 


If there is an issue with the PDF, please respond to the email and let us know.  ILL staff do not see the pdfs before they are delivered to your account.  

Thesis Requests Often times thesis requests must be purchased.  Please make sure they are needed for research purposes.  The ILL staff may contact you before processing these requests.  (FYI - Senior, Honors and Master's Theses are seldom available but we'll try to locate them for you).


We're happy to help! 

Angie Batson & Kayla Valdivieso








Trouble Logging In?

You may receive an error when attempting to log in to your Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account if you have installed the Zotero browser extension. Please see these instructions on how to edit your extension to fix the issue.

If you continue to have any trouble logging in, please contact our ILL staff ( or 781-283-2101).