Start by Searching WorldCat (using title, author, or keywords) and click search.
If Wellesley owns it, WorldCat will display an 'At Wellesley College' link in red. Click this link.
This link brings you to the Wellesley library catalog where you can see the call number, location and status of the item. If available, you can go to the library and check out the book. If not, follow the steps below.
If there is no red 'At Wellesley College' link, click on the title of the record you need. Click to open the record and the red "Request Item Through ILL" button on the top right of the page. Please note: if you are requesting a physical copy of the book, you will have to select a print book record. If you select an ebook record, you may incorrectly receive the ebook or there may be delays in getting the print copy.
DUO will open your ILL account to the request form & WorldCat will auto-fill the form with the citation information.
Make sure you choose the option you need from the eBook or Print? question and click the Submit button.
The following message appears letting you know that your ILL request has been submitted in green. You will also see the item listed under your Pending Requests.
What Happens Next?
You will receive emails from our ILL department. If we can't find a lending library we'll notify you. If we can, you'll receive an email when the item is shipped and another when it arrives and is ready to be picked up at the Clapp Service Desk.
Yellow slips with due dates and renewal information (determined by the lending library) are included with each loan. Please keep the slip with the book.
We're happy to help!
Angie Batson & Kayla Valdivieso
You may receive an error when attempting to log in to your Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account if you have installed the Zotero browser extension. Please see these instructions on how to edit your extension to fix the issue.
If you continue to have any trouble logging in, please contact our ILL staff ( or 781-283-2101).