ILL Renewals:
Yellow slips with due dates and renewal information (determined by the lending library) are included with each loan. Please keep the slip with the book.
Not all libraries renew. Some offer longer loan periods that include the time a renewal would extend.
Sign into your ILL account with DUO.
On the Main Menu, find the item under Checked Out Items that you'd like to renew.
If the renew button is blue, click on it to request a renewal. (If your button is gray, follow the steps below to place a new request for the item and we'll try to locate another copy for you).
The request page for that item will open and you'll receive the following message letting you now the renewal was sent. You will receive an email when we hear back from the lending library.
Once the lending library responds, you will get an email from the ILL department informing you whether or not the lending library was able to renew the item and the due date.
Example Emails:
ILL Item Renewed with New Due Date
A loan that you had requested:
Loan Title: The storm
Loan Author: Bergin, Virginia
TN: 369899
has been renewed by the lending library.
It will now be due on 11/26/2018.
ILL Staff :
Renewal Denied Email:
Lending Library Unable to Renew ILL 190530800
The lending library was unable to renew the following request:
Loan Title: The storm
Loan Author: Bergin, Virginia
TN: 369899
Please return by 11/11/2018.
If you still need to use this material, submit a new ILL request. Follow the link, https://wellesley.illiad.oclc.
ILL Staff :
If your renewal request is denied, follow the steps below to place a new request for the item and we'll try to locate another copy for you.
Placing a New Request
If the renew button is gray, renewals can not be requested for this item. If this is something you still need, click the Action button and find Copy to a New Request.
A new Book Request form will open with the information needed for the item already filled out. Scroll down to the bottom of the form and press the Submit button.
Once submitted, a message that indicates your request was submitted in green. You will be notified by email when the new copy is shipped and a second message when it is ready for pick up.
You may receive an error when attempting to log in to your Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account if you have installed the Zotero browser extension. Please see these instructions on how to edit your extension to fix the issue.
If you continue to have any trouble logging in, please contact our ILL staff ( or 781-283-2101).