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Wellesley College Research Guides


Student Library Research Awards


Deadline for the 2025 Awards is February 14, 2025

Win up to $1000!

These awards were created to reward those students who take the time to develop a thoughtful, methodical, and scholarly approach to the research needed for their papers and projects, as well as to encourage students to develop good research techniques.

Find out more at the
Student Library Research Awards site

Course Guides in English and Comparative Literature


Man with book sitting in chair, ca. 1915. George Eastman House Collection. Web. 20 Jul. 2011.

English & Comparative Literature at Wellesley

English Department

Comparative Literature Department


This guide will help you find resources for researching English and Comparative Literature. It aims to point you to the most useful starting points for your research.

If you have any questions about doing basic or in-depth research relating to English or Comparative Literature, please contact Karen Storz, Research and Instruction Librarian,, or make an appointment on my calendar!

Featured Library Resources In English & Comparative Literature


SuperSearch is a great place to start for journal articles, books (including e-books), and almost everything else the library has, in one easy-to-use interface. You can use the filters on the results screen to improve your results, but to search with more focus and precision, try one of the key databases recommended on this guide.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Karen Storz
she, her, hers
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Research & Instruction Librarian
Office: Clapp Library 218B