These are just a few of the almost 400 databases you have access to at Wellesley. To find additional databases relevant to your research interests, go to the Library's Databases A-Z list and filter using the Subjects menu. The Subjects reflect the academic departments and programs at Wellesley.
Scholarly journal articles and books in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Does not include the most recent 3-5 years of many journals.
Full-text scholarly journal articles and books on all aspects of literature, along with literary reference works (encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, and topic overviews) and the full text of thousands of literary works from the 8th century to the present.
Peer reviewed articles and book reviews of American and Canadian history, prehistory to present and searchable by historical time period.
Peer reviewed articles and book reviews of world history (excluding the US and Canada), 1450 CE to present and searchable by historical time period.
Peer reviewed articles on all aspects of religion, with an emphasis on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Also searchable by Hebrew Bible and New Testament scripture.
Full text newspapers, magazines, and journals from ethnic, minority and Native presses. Filter by ethnic group and language.
Dates: 1960 CE-Present
Full-text peer-reviewed articles on gender, sex, and sexuality in history, sociology, psychology, education, art, and more.
Good bibliography of articles on Africa, frequently updated. Use with SuperSearch or Google Scholar to locate the full text of articles listed here.
AfricaBib Search Tips:
Although you can find books in SuperSearch, searching the catalog can be useful for focusing a search. In the catalog, your keywords are searched in information about the books, rather than in the full text of the books themselves, so it's more likely that the books that come up will be relevant to the topic expressed by your keywords.
Try a keyword search. Once you find a book that is relevant to your topic, use the subject terms for that book to help you find "more like this" and explore different aspects of a broader topic.
Example: Keyword search: "black studies" AND history
Subject terms for books from this keyword search lead you to many more books on aspects of the topic, for example:
African Americans > Study and teaching > History >
Black people > Study and teaching
InterLibrary Loan (ILL) services will continue to be available for print books, ebooks, chapters, and articles. If you only need a chapter or two from a book, place a book chapter request and we'll try to get them electronically. Requesting an item through ILL will be more efficient than recalling an item from storage; however, if we are unable to locate an item through ILL, we will pursue other means.
Where do I pick up & return my ILL requests during the renovation?
Pickups: Modulars, Room 103
Returns: Modulars, Room 103, Blue Library Book Drop outside the Modulars or the Art or Music Libraries
How do I Make Requests?
For Loan requests, search the Library Catalog, WorldCat, or SuperSearch and look for one of the following links to place your ILL request. If we already own an item, but it is in off-site storage or checked out, you can still select “Request from another library (InterLibrary Loan)”.
Renovation Website