SuperSearch can be a great place to start to find out what's out there on your topic. SuperSearch will find books, journal articles, films, news, and almost everything else the library has — from popular to scholarly sources. You can use the filters on the results screen to improve your results.
For searching with more focus and precision, try one of the databases recommended on this guide.
These are just a few of the almost 400 databases you have access to at Wellesley. To find additional databases relevant to your research interests, go to the Library's Research Databases list and filter using the Subjects menu. The Subjects reflect the academic departments and programs at Wellesley. You can also filter by content type to find different types of sources, such as primary sources or news and magazine articles.
Full text scholarly peer reviewed articles on education published from 1988 to present. Strong in the theoretical and sociological aspects of education as well as pedagogy.
Peer reviewed articles and reports in education policy, teaching, and history. Filter by student level or grade.
Peer reviewed articles and book reviews of world history (excluding the US and Canada), 1450 CE to present and searchable by historical time period.
Peer reviewed articles and book reviews of American and Canadian history, prehistory to present and searchable by historical time period.
Articles from an international array of publications covering topics in art and architectural history, archaeology, museum studies, graphic arts, industrial design, landscape architecture, urban design, photography, costume design, film, non-western art and more.
Scholarly journal and magazine articles on all aspects of music.
Dates: 1973 CE-present
Scholarly peer-reviewed articles and books on music and musicians. Covers all genres of music from all over the world.
Documentaries and educational films focused on music, dance, and history.
Peer reviewed articles on all aspects of religion, with an emphasis on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Also searchable by Hebrew Bible and New Testament scripture.
Full text newspapers, magazines, and journals from ethnic, minority and Native presses. Filter by ethnic group and language.
Dates: 1960 CE-Present
AfricaBib Search Tips:
AfricaBib Search Tips:
Full-text peer-reviewed articles on gender, sex, and sexuality in history, sociology, psychology, education, art, and more.
Full-text scholarly articles in all disciplines.
Scholarly journal articles and books in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Does not include the most recent 3-5 years of many journals.
Although you can find books in SuperSearch, searching the catalog can be useful for focusing a search. In the catalog, your keywords are searched in information about the books, rather than in the full text of the books themselves, so it's more likely that the books that come up will be relevant to the topic expressed by your keywords.
Try a keyword search. Once you find a book that is relevant to your topic, use the subject terms for that book to help you find "more like this" and explore different aspects of a broader topic.
Example: Keyword search: "jim crow" AND education
Subject terms for books from this keyword search lead you to many more books on aspects of the topic, for example:
African Americans > Education.
Segregation in education > United States.
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