Find newspaper articles through these guides and databases.
Legal, business, and news sources. Includes law journal articles, legislation, regulations, court cases, company information, SEC filings, U.S. and foreign newspapers, and more.
In addition to using newspaper articles to keep current on developments in educational policy, practice, and initiatives, you can use them to find more sources.
Things to look for:
Names of public figures, academics or expert sources quoted in articles. You may be able to contact these people for interviews.
Names of community groups, nonprofits, and organizations involved in an issue. Look for their websites to learn more & contact them.
Titles of research reports or studies (if there isn't a title, look for an individual or organizational author, and see if they have a website with publicly-available documents).
Names of school- or community-based programs addressing the issues you're investigating.
Names of proposed legislation, or past legislation you can use to contextualize what's happening now.