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Scholars outside of Cinema & Media Studies also analyze films, TV, and visual media. Try looking for articles in subject-specific databases in related fields.
These databases contain citations and full text from journals and magazines covering film, telelvision, and media.
Scholarly articles on literature, languages, linguistics, film, folklore, and rhetoric, from all cultures.
Scholarly journal articles and magazine articles in the fields of communications, mass media, journalism, television, film, radio, newspaper publishing, speech, broadcasting, and advertising.
These databases contain citations & full text for scholarly articles in a variety of fields.
Scholarly journal articles and books in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Does not include the most recent 3-5 years of many journals.
Journal articles in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
Full-text scholarly articles in all disciplines.
Scholarly articles on topics in archaeology, art, architecture, Asian studies, classics, dance, folklore, history, language, linguistics, literary reviews, literature, music, philosophy, poetry, radio, television, & film, religion and theatre, published from 1975 to present.