SuperSearch is a great place to start for journal articles, books and almost everything else the library has, in one easy to use interface.
To use SuperSearch, visit it at and type in keywords or a book title.
In the filters on the left-hand side of the screen, choose eBooks and Books from the Source Type list to filter for all books.
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Use WorldCat Discovery to search and request directly from libraries worldwide via Interlibrary Loan.
Questions? Interlibrary Loan Guide
The catalog is a great tool to use to find specific books or to browse for similar ones. Try entering a keyword or title above!
In the results page, you can filter using the options on the right-hand side. Filter by language, publication date, topic, and more.
Use and to combine terms in your search | testing and standards
Use or to expand results | elementary or primary
Use * to find variant endings, or as a wild card | child* wom*n
Use " " to search words as a phrase | "charter school"