The databases listed here are just a selection of what is available through Wellesley. See our Databases list and browse by Subject or Database Type to find other databases relevant to your research.
Full-text peer-reviewed articles on gender, sex, and sexuality in history, sociology, psychology, education, art, and more.
Peer reviewed journals, magazines and regional newspapers on topics pertaining to sexuality and gender identity, and includes the full text of many historically significant LGBTQ+ publications.
Dates: 1917 CE-Present
Peer reviewed articles on women's and gender studies, drawing on gender studies, education, sociology, history, and more.
Scholarly articles on literature, languages, linguistics, film, folklore, and rhetoric, from all cultures.
Peer reviewed articles and book reviews of American and Canadian history, prehistory to present and searchable by historical time period.
Political science resources, including scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles and think tank reports. Covers international as well as U.S. topics and sources.
Legal, business, and news sources. Includes law journal articles, legislation, regulations, court cases, company information, SEC filings, U.S. and foreign newspapers, and more.
These databases contain citations & full text for scholarly articles in a variety of fields.
Full-text scholarly articles in all disciplines.
Scholarly journal articles and books in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Does not include the most recent 3-5 years of many journals.
Journal articles in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
Scholarly articles on topics in archaeology, art, architecture, Asian studies, classics, dance, folklore, history, language, linguistics, literary reviews, literature, music, philosophy, poetry, radio, television, & film, religion and theatre, published from 1975 to present.