These resources have background biographical information.
Authoritative biographies of historically significant figures and present-day newsmakers from every fieldmedia, sports, politics, religion, medicine, and more. Find biographies by name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, or gender.
Dates: 3000 BCE-Present
Biographies of people who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from ancient times to the present. Each short article is written by an expert scholar and concisely describes a person's life, accomplishments, and influence, citing relevant sources. Covers Roman-era Britain to 21st century; only deceased individuals are included.
Dates: 100 BCE-2020 CE
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography allows only 1 user at a time. Please close your browser tab/window when you are finished.
Use these resources to look up concepts, terms, and sociologists. Check out the citations in relevant entries and chapters for additional sources.
Hundreds of full-text academic encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other sources for introductions to topics, definitions, or factual information. Includes subject-specific titles from art, literature, education, science, religion, history and more.
Annotated bibliographies for a variety of subject areas.
Over 400 full-text academic encyclopedias, language dictionaries, books of quotations, and other sources. Includes subject-specific titles from art, classics, history, law, linguistics, literature, media studies, medicine, performing arts, philosophy, religion, science and technology, politics, and more.
Search across more than 100 full text encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works in the social and behavioral sciences.