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Wellesley College Research Guides

POL1 300: Public Policymaking in American Politics

What citation style should I use?

Use the style recommended by your professor or choose one of the major styles below based on the discipline for your paper:

Citation Style MLA Chicago APA
Manual MLA Handbook 8th ed thumbnail Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. thumbnail      APA 7th Edition
Discipline Used in literature, arts, and the humanities

Notes & Bibliography system used in history, arts, and humanities

Used in psychology, social sciences, and many           STEM courses.

Tips for Research Papers

Consider these questions as you are trying to choose a research topic:

  • What ideas from your classes/readings most draw your attention?
  • What questions continually pique your interest?
  • What shifts and patterns have you noticed in your ways of thinking about the course material?
  • What course assignments or ideas do you want to spend more time thinking about?
  • When you start to feel that a particular theme for the research paper is taking shape, discuss your ideas with your professor.
  • As the course progresses, if you don’t feel that a research theme is emerging for you, meet with your professor to get more solid direction on possible topics.

Research librarians can help you:

  • Find the most viable sources
  • Save you time tracking down relevant material
  • Insure the quality of the material you use

The more clearly and specifically you can explain your research objectives, the more specific the research librarians can be in directing you to useful resources. But even if you’re still a little fuzzy on your focus, research librarians can help you to navigate the research process in ways you might not anticipate. Check the guide for the subject area of your research or citation question to contact a specific librarian for help, or email to get in touch with any research librarian.