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Wellesley College Research Guides

Open Access Publishing @ Wellesley

Publish Your Article Open Access for Free

Wellesley College Library and Technology Services (LTS) agreements and subscriptions with the following publishers enable Wellesley corresponding authors to publish Open Access articles without paying article processing charges (APCs). These types of agreements are sometimes known as Read & Publish agreements.

Some publishers have a Subscribe to Open (S2O) model. In this model, each year, if a target sum is reached from subscription dollars, that year's content will be published Open Access. Authors at subscribing institutions receive guaranteed OA publishing regardless of whether the target is met.

Visit the publishers' pages below to find out more.

Further questions about how to take advantage of these publishing opportunities can be directed to

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Physiological Society (APS)

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Cambridge University Press

Company of Biologists


OA articles published in Cambridge University Press journals under the agreement


OA articles published in Association for Computing Machinery journals under the agreement


OA articles published in American Chemical Society journals under the agreement