Can't find what you're looking for at Wellesley?
Use WorldCat Discovery to search and request directly from libraries worldwide via Interlibrary Loan.
Questions? Interlibrary Loan Guide
InterLibrary Loan (ILL) services will continue to be available for print books, ebooks, chapters, and articles. If you only need a chapter or two from a book, place a book chapter request and we'll try to get them electronically. Requesting an item through ILL will be more efficient than recalling an item from storage; however, if we are unable to locate an item through ILL, we will pursue other means.
Where do I pick up & return my ILL requests during the renovation?
Pickups: Modulars, Room 103
Returns: Modulars, Room 103, Blue Library Book Drop outside the Modulars or the Art or Music Libraries
How do I Make Requests?
For Loan requests, search the Library Catalog, WorldCat, or SuperSearch and look for one of the following links to place your ILL request. If we already own an item, but it is in off-site storage or checked out, you can still select “Request from another library (InterLibrary Loan)”.
Renovation Website
Try a keyword search. Once you find a book that is relevant to your topic, use the subject headings of that book to help you find "more like this".
Keyword search:
Subject headings:
Not finding enough, or an item checked out? Try borrowing from elsewhere.
You can also find books using SuperSearch. Choose the source types Books & eBooks using the filtering options on your search results screen.
A streaming video collection, including feature films and documentaries from PBS, BBC, Criterion, and more.
We welcome faculty, student, and staff recommendations for library materials.
For more information about the Library's collections, contact the subject specialist for your discipline.