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Wellesley College Research Guides

Fellowship Applicants: Library Support for Students & Alums

Meet with Librarians!

Are you a current student or alum thinking of applying for a fellowship? Wellesley librarians are here to help year round, including throughout the summer!  Make a Zoom appointment with a librarian! 

We can help you

  • identify and research potential mentors or sponsors
  • conduct thorough literature searches
  • locate relevant libraries and archives
  • explore international educational systems
  • investigate global sites for travel fellowships
  • learn more about a country's culture or history
  • think through any aspect of your proposal


We're happy to chat: Meet your Research Librarians below!

Your Research Librarians

There is a research librarian for every department at Wellesley!

Any of us! Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Schedule an Appointment

Daria Hafner Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology

Schedule an Appointment

Email Daria

Brooke Henderson Architecture, Art, Art History

Schedule an Appointment

Email Brooke

Carol Lubkowski Music

Schedule an Appointment

Email Carol

Sarah Moazeni Education, History, Jewish Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Peace & Justice Studies, Philosophy, Religion, South Asia Studies, Women & Gender Studies

Schedule an Appointment

Email Sarah

Laura O'Brien Classical Studies, French, Theatre Studies, Writing

Schedule an Appointment

Email Laura

profile picture
Karen Storz Africana Studies, American Studies, Cinema & Media Studies, Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences, Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages & Cultures, East Asian Studies, English, German & German Cultural Studies, Italian Studies, Latin American Studies, Portuguese, Russian & Russian Area Studies, Spanish

Schedule an Appointment

Email Karen



The Wellesley College Research & Instruction Team would like to thank the University of Chicago Library for agreeing to let us adapt their excellent guide

This guide is a work in progress. Check back for more information to come!