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Wellesley College Research Guides

WRIT 120: Critical Interpretation

Fall 2021, Professor Wall-Randell

Background & Overviews

Key Databases for Literary Criticism

Databases can contain a combination of full-text articles (ready to read online) and/or citation information about articles, book chapters, or books.

Key Databases for Historical Research

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Key Databases With Primary Source Materials

For more about primary source materials and databases with primary source materials, visit these research guides:

Search Tips

  • Use synonyms and truncation to find the different ways your topic might be expressed—computers are very literal
  • Combine multiple concepts using AND / OR for best results


sample topic:   Cultural identity in the poetry of Li-Young Lee

(identity OR self) - synonyms 

AND (cultur* OR ethnic* OR immigra* OR Asian American) -  truncation

AND Li-Young Lee

AND poetry

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