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Wellesley College Research Guides

ENG 213: Chaucer: Home

Key Databases

Welcome to the Research Guide for ENG 213: Chaucer. Here you'll find some useful starting places for your research. Please feel free to contact me with questions or assistance with any aspect of the research process. I'm here to help!


These databases contain a combination of full text articles (ready to read online) and citation information about articles, book chapters, or books.

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Search Tips

  • use synonyms and truncation to find all the ways your topic is expressed--databases are very literal
  • combine multiple concepts using AND / OR for best results

sample topic:   Chaucer's construction of marriage

(Chaucer OR "Franklin's Tale" OR "Wife of Bath's Tale") - synonymous concepts

AND (marriage OR wyf* OR wife* OR housebonde OR husband OR [other specific examples]) - truncation


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Karen Storz
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