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Wellesley College Research Guides

CAMS 201: Technologies of Cinema & Media

Where Research Begins

Explore a Topic through SuperSearch

Trying some initial searches in SuperSearch can be a great way to begin to explore a topic from many angles across a variety of disciplines. Start with a simple search and scan the results, paying attention to aspects of the topic that jump out at you or resonate with you. As Mullaney and Rea suggest in Where Research Begins, notice "which ones quicken your pulse." (See "Questions" above, p. 27)

(Learn more about SuperSearch on the SuperSearch page of this guide, under How Do I Find Relevant Sources?)

Explore a Topic through Reference Sources

Specialized encyclopedias, handbooks, companions, and other reference works can be good starting places for getting an overview of a topic, definitions of key terms, and suggestions for further reading.