UNBISNet (United Nations Bibliographic Information System) - search engine to UN Documents with links to full text of many reports.
For searching with precision inside a particular subject area, try one of our databases.
These databases contain a combination of full text articles and citation information about articles, book chapters, or books that link to the full-text.
Journal articles, reports, and commentaries on anthropology, ethnology, folklore, and archaeology.
Scholarly and peer reviewed articles in sociology.
Peer reviewed articles on all aspects of religion, with an emphasis on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Also searchable by Hebrew Bible and New Testament scripture.
Peer reviewed articles on women's and gender studies, drawing on gender studies, education, sociology, history, and more.
Peer reviewed journals, magazines and regional newspapers on topics pertaining to sexuality and gender identity, and includes the full text of many historically significant LGBTQ+ publications.
Dates: 1917 CE-Present
Full-text peer-reviewed articles on gender, sex, and sexuality in history, sociology, psychology, education, art, and more.