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Research Guides

POL1 328: Immigration Politics and Policy

Data & Statistics Sources

Critically Evaluating Data

Here are some criteria to keep in mind when choosing and using data:

  • Accuracy - Who is included in this data? Who is excluded from this data? What is the purpose of the dataset and why was it produced? 
  • Authority - Who collected this data? Who published the dataset or compiled the statistics? Is the author/publisher credible? What are the author/publisher's credentials (educational background, past writing, experience) in this area? Have you seen the author's name cited in other sources or bibliographies? Is the publisher scholarly (university press, scholarly associations)? Commercial? Government agency? Is the source self-published (“vanity”press)? 
  • Objectivity - Does the author have a bias, political or commercial or persuasive? How have they used the data? What conclusions have they drawn? Who is included in this dataset, and why? Who is excluded in this dataset, and why?
  • Currency - Is this information new or based on outdated sources? Can you tell how current it is? 
  • Audience - Who is the information written for: a specific readership, level of expertise, or age/grade level? Is the audience focus appropriate for a research paper?


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