Collection of article abstracts in astronomy and physics, many linked to the full-text of articles, and may not be the version published in journals.
Full-text collection of articles, in Physical Sciences, Math, CS, and Economics. Many of these articles are not peer-reviewed and may not be the version published in journals.
Overview of the primary research literature each year, in topics within biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences.
In many catalogs and databases, truncation is represented by an asterisk (*). To use truncation, enter the root of a search term and replace the ending with an *.
For example, type comput* to find the words compute, computes, computer, computing, computation, etc..
Scholarly Journals | Magazines | Trade Publications | Newspapers |
Report thorough description of original research or theories. Generally scrutinized by a panel of subject experts (peer review) before publishing. |
Provide information, news, opinions, entertainment to the general public on a broad array of topics. |
Provide practical information for members of a profession, industry, or organization: news, trends, products, and research summaries. |
Cover breaking news, news analysis, and feature stories. |
These are some quick links to top-ranked journals, which are not meant to represent our entire collection. Check the catalog for more journals and additional coverage.
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Here are some links to popular news articles in the sciences.