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Wellesley College Research Guides

AFR 202: Critical Perspectives of Humanitarianism in Black Countries

Selected Databases for Research

The databases listed here are just a selection of what is available through Wellesley. See our Databases list and browse by Subject or Database Type to find other databases relevant to your research.



Africana Studies

AfricaBib can be challenging to search well. See AfricaBib Search Tips to get the most out of this resource.



Note: The last 3-5 years of articles are not available for many journals on JSTOR. Be sure to supplement your JSTOR searches with searches in other databases appropriate to your specific topic.

Search the Library Catalog

Catalog Search Tips

Why should I search the library catalog?

The library catalog is another way to search for books, ebooks, and videos. Although SuperSearch includes the library catalog, searching the catalog separately can give you a smaller, more focused set of results. It often helps to keep a search in the catalog relatively simple to start. Try different keywords, and then use what you find to find more. You can also use the subject terms to browse related materials.

Start with a keyword search. Once you find a book that's relevant to your topic, click on the title and look for the Subjects listed for that book to help you find "more like this" and explore related aspects of a broader topic.

Example: Keyword search: africa AND lgbt

Subject terms for the books that come up in this keyword search lead you to more books on various aspects of the topic, for example:

Gay rights > Africa.

Homophobia > Africa.

Lesbians > South Africa 

Gay rights > Namibia.

Homosexuality > Africa.


Clicking the first word or phrase above will show you everything listed under the broader topic (e.g., Gay rights). Clicking a subsequent word or phrase will take you to the narrower topic (e.g., clicking "Africa" in Gay rights > Africa will show you everything listed under that subtopic of "Africa").


Once you find a useful subject term, you can also use it to browse related subtopics, by choosing "Browse Alphabetically by Topic" from the menu next to the search box, and entering the subject term.

Not finding enough, or found an item that's checked out? Search WorldCat and request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.

Don't know where to find a book in the Library? Check out this quick guide.

Borrowing from Elsewhere

owl mail

Can't find what you're looking for at Wellesley?

Use WorldCat Discovery to search and request directly from libraries worldwide via Interlibrary Loan.

Questions? Interlibrary Loan Guide