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Wellesley College Research Guides

Stata: Home

This guide covers Stata basics as well as where to find the software on campus.

Stata @ Wellesley

Stata is available for installation on student computers.

HERE are instructions for installing Stata.

Stata is available on all classroom and lab computers on campus.

Want to use Stata off-campus? Install it on your laptop (while on campus), and then use the VPN to log in and access Stata off campus. Visit the VPN help page for instructions.

For issues installing Stata or setting up the VPN, visit the Help Desk in Clapp Library or email

Organizing Your Data

Organizing Folders

  1. Create a new folder for your class. Name it without spaces (e.g., ECON203-SP12).
  2. Create 2 new folders in your class folder: one for assignments (Assignments) and one for your final project (Project).
  3. Save your data files to the appropriate folders within your class folder.

Naming Files

-Adopt consistent file naming conventions!

-Name your files something that alludes to their content or purpose.

Example 1: Data for a class's second lab. Poor choice: mydata.dta Better name: lab2census.dta

Example 2: You download US census data for your final project for the year 2000; name it census00.dta. Then you create a subset containing only women ages 18-30; name it census00fem.dta.

-If you have multiple versions of the same file, add increasing numbers to the end of the file (e.g., census00v2, census00v3, etc). If you go back and make changes to an earlier version of the file, save a copy with the next highest number (e.g., census00v4).

Saving Output Tables

Log Files - keep track of every command you run and all the results. Great way to keep a record of what you have done.

  • To start a new log: First change your working directory to the correct folder (cd command). Then in the command box type log using "logname", text. Give your log file a usefulname such as 'Lab2Feb6.log.' Begin a new log file each time you begin working in Stata or use the append option to add on to an existing log file.
  • To view an existing log: You can open the file in any text editor or in Stata (type view logname.log). This is helpful for remembering what you did from one session to the next.

Copy & Paste - quick way to copy results to a document or spreadsheet

You can highlight the tables in Stata's Results window and copy the contents. Rather than using CTRL+C, right-click on the highlighted text to get additional options:

  • Copy Text - same as CTRL+C. Not recommended for pasting tables into Excel/Word.
  • Copy Table - Aligns cells by tabs. Works well when pasting into  Excel/Word.
  • Copy Table as HTML - Copies an HTML table, which pastes well into Word.
  • Copy Table as Picture - makes a screenshot of the table. Can't edit the picture without a graphic program. Best for quickly pasting into Word.

Opening IPUMS Data in Stata

Getting Started with IPUMS, Part 1: Selecting Variables & Datasets

Getting Started with IPUMS, Part 2: Ordering Data

Getting Started with IPUMS, Part 3: Downloading the Data & Opening it in Stata

Help with Stata

via Email
Email with your questions!


ECON 203 Stata Cheat Sheet

Other Helpful Websites for Learning Stata