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Wellesley College Research Guides



Wellesley College uses the Library of Congress classification system to organize books on the shelves.

The Library of Congress Class that includes Portuguese is PQ. Browsing the following call number range may produce helpful results.

For a more complete listing see:

PQ9000 - 9999: Portuguese

Book Locations and Maps

Quick Guide to Clapp Library Locations

Call # / Location  
Books & Videos A-DZ
Knapp Multimedia Ctr
Computer Classroom
First Floor

Computing Help Desk
Research Help Desk
Reference Books
Science Collection

Second Floor
Books & Videos E-PM
Third Floor
Books & Videos PN-Z
Special Collections
Book Arts Lab
Fourth Floor


How to find items by call number

Clapp Library Floor Plans

Clapp floorplan thumbnail

Search the Library Catalog


Try a keyword search in the library catalog. Once you find a book that is relevant to your topic, use the subject headings of that book to help you find "more like this".

A few useful subject searches in the catalog include:

  • [your author - last name first] criticism & interpretation
  • Portuguese Literature 
  • Portuguese Poetry
  • Africa Portuguese-speaking
  • African Literature (Portuguese)
  • Brazilian Literature

Not finding enough, or an item checked out? Search WorldCat and request a copy.

You can also search the full text of millions of books in Google Books and then use Interlibrary Loan/WorldCat to get the whole book.


**Here's a little trick! Find the specific area in the library where your topic would be found. If there are not enough books in that area to satisfy you, MOVE TO THE LEFT. Classification systems in the library move to the right from the general to the more specific. If you move to the left, you will move UP in the hierarchy to the more general discipline out of which your topic lives.**

Borrowing from Elsewhere

owl mail

Can't find what you're looking for at Wellesley?

Use WorldCat Discovery to search and request directly from libraries worldwide via Interlibrary Loan.

Questions? Interlibrary Loan Guide