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Wellesley College Research Guides

Open @ Wellesley: Public Access Policies

Guide for aggregating information about open access resources.

Sponsored Research Public Access Policies for Faculty

In response to the 2013 Office of Science and Technology Policy memorandum, many federal funding agencies require researchers to make publications and data resulting from their federally funded research available in agency-designated public access depositories.

Here we provide a table of the most common agencies that fund research at Wellesley and that have made their public access plans public. Researchers are responsible for complying with agency requirements.

Federal Funding Agency - Public Access Requirements Shortlist

Agency Instructions Data Management Plan Open Access to Research Articles Open Data Requirements
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Required with grant proposal Deposit in NASA branded PubMed Central portal within 12 months Deposit in NASA archives or other public repository
National Institutes of Health Required with grant proposal Deposit in PubMed Central within 12 months of publication Encouraged to deposit in public repository, possible Data Discovery Index to come
National Science Foundation Required with grant proposal Deposit to Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (PAGES) within 12 months of publication Deposit to scientific data repositories


Additional Funders with Public Access Requirements

Links provided to the actual policy where available online. 

Need Help?

Agency policy questions: Liz Demski, Director of Sponsored Research

Technical assistance with article deposits: Marci Hahn-Fabris, Assistant Director for Discovery Services

Technical assistance with open data requirements: Jillian Amaral, Science Librarian


This content is based on research guides developed by Florida State University Libraries and Columbia University Libraries.