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Wellesley College Research Guides

 GERMAN: Find Articles

Find Full-Text Articles

Do you have an article citation, but need to find the full-text article?

Try the Wellesley College Article Locator!

1. Make sure to fill in the elements of the article citation in the appropriate fields, and click "Search".

2. If we don't have the article online, click on "Search by book or journal title" to see if we have it in print.

3. If we don't have the article in print or online, click on "Request the item" to obtain the article through InterLibrary Loan (also see tips on this page for Borrowing from Elsewhere).

German Search Tip

For databases that include content in both English and German:

...don't forget to search using both English AND German terms!

Key Databases

Databases contain a combination of full text articles (ready to read online) and citation information about articles, book chapters, or books.

Subject Librarian

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Karen Storz
she, her, hers
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Research & Instruction Librarian
Office: Clapp Library 218B

Database Spotlight - Historical Abstracts

U Boote Heraus! [poster] (1917). Retrieved from Imperial War Museum Collections.

Historical Abstracts is the most comprehensive database to literature on history outside of the United States and Canada.

Comprised of about 700,000 citations of articles, books, book reviews, and dissertations in 40 languages on history since about 1450 of areas outside North America.