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If you are citing this recording:
String quartets 1-3; String trio, by Sofia Gubaidulina (CD 3366)
The note will look like this:
Gubaidulina and Danish Quartet, String Quartets 1-3.
Edit the note to look like this:
Gubaidulina, Sofia, Quartet No. 1, Danish Quartet, Recorded Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 1992, Tracks 1-3 on String quartets 1-3; String trio, CPO, compact disc.
The bibliography entry will look like this:
Gubaidulina, Sofia, and Danish Quartet. Quartet No. 1. Recorded Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 1992. Tracks 1-3 on String quartets 1-3: String trio: CPO, 1994. Compact disc.
Edit the entry to look like this:
Gubaidulina, Sofia. Quartet No. 1. Danish Quartet. Recorded Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 1992. Tracks 1-3 on String quartets 1-3; String trio. CPO. Compact disc.