Email Johanna Okerlund -
Set up a time with Johanna!
Email Tracy Tien -
Set up a time with Tracy!
Note that LTS staff can help you use these apps to an extent, but they are not part of the software we officially support. Be sure to check the terms and conditions before creating your own account.
Twine - make text-based games. Can also incorporate media
Unity - the most popular and robust game engine. Only recommended if you have prior Unity experience
Bitsy - make 8-bit style games, which you can host on
Unless you already have experience with a website we suggest using Google Sites.
Here’s a guide on how to use Google Sites
Google Sites is easy to use, but limited in terms of what interface elements you are able to change.
If the Polycam app is not scanning with high enough quality, email Johanna ( to set up a time to learn how to use the Artec Spider 3D scanner.
In person help - Email Johanna ( or set up a time to meet
Getting started with Adobe Aero
Find existing collections or use to store and display 3D models. SketchFab models are easily viewable in VR and can easily be embedded into websites or other tools.
Meet with Johanna to discuss which tool / approach is best for your idea!
Use Knapp’s Oculus Rift devices any time the library is open. There are lots of apps in the Oculus Library to try. Ask a Fabrication Consultant for help during these hours.
Tinkercad - Simple 3D modeling to make block-like models (it’s hard to make or manipulate organic shapes). Knapp 3D printing training includes a brief introduction to Tinkercad!
Blender - Free advanced 3D modeling software for sculpting and complex modeling. Also easy to integrate with VR. Set up a time with Johanna to get started.
Knapp (Mod 304 in the yellow building) is open any time during library hours. Many resources are walk-up-and-use. Some machines (3D printers, sewing machines, digital embroidery machine) require training before use.
Sign up for training on 3D printers, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and more. Check out equipment including cameras, projectors, and adapters. Find everything here!
Student workers can answer questions about how to use the machines during Fabrication Staffed Hours. Email Johanna ( with questions about projects or where to get started!