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Wellesley College Research Guides

REL/JWST 106: Queer Bible

Finding Book Reviews

SuperSearch is a great way to find book reviews! You can search for a specific book or an author in the search, then select "reviews" from the source types list to filter the results.

Use Google Scholar to Find Newer Research

When you know the name of a book or article, you can trace citations forward to find newer scholarship that cites that source.

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Do a search for your source
  3. Click "Cited By" to see works in Google Scholar that have cited your source


You can also search within the "Cited by" results to find sources that mention a particular work or other keyword. Just click on "Cited by," enter a term or phrase in the search box, and check the "Search within citing articles" box before running your search.

Finding Biographies, Context, and Commentaries

Try searching SuperSearch for non-peer reviewed commentaries of a scholar's life, work, controversies, and contributions.

Type in the theorist's name and filter for newspapers and magazines in the results.


Finding Bibliographies