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Wellesley College Research Guides

POL1 210: Campaigns and Elections

Key Databases

Search SuperSearch

On the SuperSearch search results page, scroll down until you locate the Source Types filter on the left.

SuperSearch is a great place to start for journal articles, books and almost everything else the library has, in one easy to use interface.

For searching with more focus and precision, try one of the databases recommended on this guide.



Check the box next to Academic Journals under the Source Types filter on the SuperSearch results page.

Finding Peer-Reviewed Sources

Peer review is the gold standard of scholarly work - it's the blue check of scholarly journals.  Many databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed articles. 

Click on the box next to the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed Journals)” filter on the left side of the SuperSearch results page.

Peer Reviewed Journals in SuperSearch

To restrict your search to material from peer-reviewed journals, click on the box next to the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed Journals)” filter on the left side of the SuperSearch results page.