Another way to find translated primary sources in books is to use the catalog to search for your topic AND (documents OR sources), or any other sort of source you're hoping to find.
soldier AND (diar* OR memoir)
"Chairman Mao" AND (documents OR speech*)
Christ* AND Jew* AND medieval AND (documents OR sources)
Q: I don't read Latin/Old High German/Medieval Arabic/etc. How can I find sources in English?
A: You're in luck! There are many resources in English right here in the library and online. Click the links in the grey and white box for some of the larger ones. To find even more, perhaps on a specific topic, try finding one by beginning at a more generalized topic.
For example, I did a simple search and found the book Medieval worlds: a sourcebook. In SuperSearch, you can click on the record title (pictured below) and scroll to see the subjects listed, including subjects with "source" in them. These typically have translated or transcribed primary sources.