Artists Books at the Boston Athenaeum
Final Marks: The Art of the Carved Letter—A Trailer
Firefly Press
Kat Ran Press: How Monotype Works (filmed at the Bixlers’ Letterfoundry)
New York Public Library’s Three Faiths Scriptorium:
Parchment and Paper
Pens, Paint-Making, and Illumination
Punchcutting and Typecasting by Stan Nelson:
1. Punchcutting at the Atelier Press and Letterfoundry
2. Tempering Punches and Striking Matrices
3. Casting Type
4. Dressing Type
Unseen Hands: Women Printer, Binders & Book Designers
Traditional handicrafts of making Xuan paper
Papermaking by hand at Hayle Mill, England in 1976
Leyla Lau-Lamb, Senior Conservator of Books and Papyri
at the University of Michigan Library