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Wellesley College Research Guides

FREN 324: La Belle Époque

French Historical News

If you are looking for French historical news coverage prior to 1945, Gallica is a fantastic resource, although not always easy to search. 

One way to make your search easier is to restrict your search to notable French newspapers covering your time of interest. An incomplete list of some titles is below.

Gallica has a useful guide (including some contextual information, such as publishers or political leanings) on its Presse et Revues page that covers many of the titles below.

Note: As with any title available free on the Internet, access to contents listed below may change without warning.

Gallica Newspapers by title

If you're researching a topic that needs news coverage from after WWII, but before 2000, we have several options in print and microfilm. 

News in translation

French weekly general interest magazines

French Periodical Index allows you to find articles by topic in these publications for issues from 1973-1995. 

For coverage after 2001, refer to the main News tab on the French research guide.

Resource Spotlight - Gallica

Le Petit Journal headline

Gallica Tutorials

These tutorials are from the BNF's Gallica help pages and blog. [En Français]