Research and Instruction Technologist
Office: Clapp Library Room 219B
Welcome to the research guide for POL4 249! Use this guide as a starting point for your research and digital stories. Don't hesitate to reach out to your librarian for any research and citation questions, or your instructional technologist for help with media and technology.
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Find out more at the
Student Library Research Award site
Use these resources to find definitions, topics, and search terms for your research.
Full-text reports and analysis on political topics and policies, including education, public health, elections, human rights, immigration, the economy, and more.
Hundreds of full-text academic encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other sources for introductions to topics, definitions, or factual information. Includes subject-specific titles from art, literature, education, science, religion, history and more.
Search across more than 100 full text encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works in the social and behavioral sciences.