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Research Guides

AFR 306: Urban Development & the Underclass: Key Websites on Cities

International Research Centers & ThinkTanks

U.S. Urban Orgs

U.S. Government Agencies & Data

United States Department of Education

No Child Left Behind

Teen Pregnancy from the National Institute of Health
Teen Pregnancy from the Centers for Disease Control
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - the U.S. Dept. of Justice conducts studies on justice topics in states and cities. Use this link to find them. If you only find an abstract, put the title of the article/report in quotes into Google.
National Institute of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
United States Department of Justice

evaluating internet resources

You can find a lot of information online, but many sites advocate a particular point of view -- particularly around contentious issues. Bias isn't always bad, but you need to acknowledge it and take it into account when using a source.

Use the following criteria to evaluate websites for accuracy, reliability, and bias:

Who is the author of the information?

Can you find information about the author? What are his/her credentials?

How current is the information? Is there a "last updated" date?

Who is the intended audience for the information?

Is the content objective or is it coming from a certain viewpoint?

Is the information advocating a cause?